Friday, June 1, 2018

❀Rapper Riff Raff Accused of Rape, Tour Canceled

A women has accused Rapper Riff Raff of rape. Here is what Eliza Stafford says happened .... In 2013 I was raped by a man whose stage name is “Riff Raff”. I went to his show because my boyfriend at the time was a huge fan. My boyfriend was with me at the concert. I was asked mid-show to come backstage, and as a 19 year old I was flattered and complied. When I got backstage I was offered a shot from a (branded) vodka bottle that was sitting on the table. I was offered a 60ml ‘party’ shot. I took the shot, it was syrup and I immediately asked what it was. Riff raff and his support act told me that it was codeine and started laughing. I don’t remember anything from that point. A couple of my friends were at the concert and when I didn’t come outside from backstage, asked what had happened. Another girl who had been backstage with me told them that I had been coerced to get in to a car with riff raff and his support act. She didn’t do anything. I had been actively fighting against them as she watched and they had eventually forced me in to a car. She told my friends this, we were all young and they didn’t tell anyone and I don’t blame them. I woke up as Riff raff was pulling out of me and getting in to the shower. I crawled – truly, on all fours -out of the hotel room and managed to get outside where I booked a taxi who wouldn’t take me because I was “too drunk”. I begged him to take me home, got back to my boyfriends house, and he was angry at me for “blowing him off”. I was punished for 6 months within that relationship for what “I did”. I was raped and blamed myself for 5 years. I got a notification today because I work at in Richmond, and he is performing at the corner hotel next Friday night. I will be 50 metres from my rapist all night. About 6 months ago, I contacted my friends who were there to ask how much they remembered. They remember everything, we were children and didn’t know how to respond. If you are planning on attending the riff raff show at the corner next week I urge you to reconsider.

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